Friday, September 3, 2010

Mila's Daydreams

I came across this Mila's Daydreams by accident and fell in love with what this new mother who is on maternity leave has created!

Oscar is feeling a little blue...

I have posted a few times about my favorite thrift store find Oscar you can read about him here and here.
Well folks he is FINALLY finished! I am so in love with this little guy. I added Pip to my growing owl collection and they get along splendidly. Below are some before, during and after photos.

I loved the flower and leaf carvings and could not leave the store with out him. It's a bit too Brady Bunch for me so I gave him 3 coats of white as a base (it took a lot to cover up the brown, black and red)

After I let Oscar dry for 3 days I painted him the color I ended up using on Pip, but the second the paint hit Oscar it bubbled and started to look like orange peel. As you can imaging I WAS TICKED!  I decided I didn't like the color enough to "deal with the finish" so I stripped him down to the base.

Pretty rough.  After stripping and scrubbing I had a base I could work with and painted him this beautiful deep sea blue.  OBSESSED with how he turned out.

What a HOOT!

I have this thing for's kind of new, but I have secretly liked them before they were cool. I started my collection with Oscar and add to it when I can find one.  I was at some random garage sale when I found Pip.  So cute, kind of weird, but then again so am I.  This was only .50 cents!  Yep under a dollar. I was able to use some paint I bought for Oscar, but decided it wasn't the right color for him.  It is perfect for Pip!

I think you are supposed to put a candle underneath so the light can shine through the holes, but I don't think it's safe now that I have put a little "sparkle" on it.  Because of the holes I had to paint the inside.

Yes that is a sock on my hand....I painted the day before and now three days later I still have the paint on my hands. I didn't think it would be OK to be checking in patients with black, white, and blue paint not to mention the walnut furniture stain on my hands. It worked pretty good actually so NEW USE FOR SINGLE SOCKS! I am so thrifty... The bottom picture is my favorite, if you look closely you can see my little tosies with the chipped pedicure.  It's all the rage right now guys it's OK to be jealous.  After about 3 coats here is what little Pip looks like.

And here he is with Roger. I LOVE my budding Owl collection. What do you think?


Thursday, September 2, 2010


I found these little plastic oval gold frames at Goodwill for  $0.99 each and knew that I could do something to liven them up.

I wanted to try a technique I found on The Diary of Daves Wife.  I am pretty much in love with her  (read how she became Daves Wife and I promise you will love her also) and everything she has created especially the silhouette. I don't have glaze, but I have Distress ink and wanted to try it out.  I started by cleaning the frames and taking them outside to my trusty spray paint board.

I used some Wal-Mart brand that cost under a dollar and gave them each two coats.

After they dried I rubbed on the Distress Ink, tea stain I believe.  I was not happy with the outcome.  They didn't have the depth I wanted and the color was way to orangy-brown for my taste.

So I went to the garage and pulled out my Minwax stain and rubbed it in. I let it dry for about five minutes and with a clean rag wiped it of.  This is what I was looking for!

I couldn't find a silhouette I liked and I wanted to try out some of my new stamps. I went to my paper supply and found a cute green and brown damask pattern.

I'm a little embarassed to say, but I had to make about 5 different ovals before I finally got it right (or close enough).  I popped them in the frame and am quite pleased with my $2.00 wall art.

I'm not gonna lie, I don't absolutely LOVE them, but I like them. I think when I find the perfect place to put them my love will grow. I am pretty pleased with how they turned out.